The Chay Prayer has a design that is similar to the conquest pattern that Israel made as they went into their promise land. The journey that the Israelites went from the crossing of the Jordan to the Fall of Jericho outlines the different steps in the Chay Prayer deliverance. The following is an outline of the first ten things that the Israelites did when they crossed the Jordan River. You will see they also match the 10 things the Chay Prayer model does to walk in your birthright.  

1.  The crossing of the Jordan River.

2.  Israel’s promise to Rahab

3.  The new generation’s circumcision.

4.  Passover diner.

5.  The Lord of Armies presents with his sword.

6.  Encompassing Jericho for six days.

7.  The fall of Jericho.

8.  The people shall shout and ascend.

9.  The treasures of Jericho.

10. Rahab the true wealth of Jericho.


We will point out below each Hebrew word from the Chay revelation and its correspondence to the conquest of the first city of the Promised Land following the first six chapters of the book of Joshua. 

Note: The Chay prayer is not based on the conquest of the promised land, but on Genesis 2:7. Nevertheless, we find that the Chay Revelation is about preparing us to recover our heart (7) and walking in victory over our birthright (10).


YATSAR: The first chamber of our life that we need to conquer seems to be submerged in water. Yatsar is closely connected to events in the womb as we came into this world. Israel had to cross the Jordan River in order to walk into their birthright.

“…the kings of the Canaanites, which were by the sea, heard that the LORD had dried up the waters of Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we were passed over…” Joshua 5:1. The word for dried up here is yâbêsh (yaw-bashe'), Strong H3001, and is a root word meaning ashamed, confused, or disappointed though usually translated as dried. The idea that when a river dries up, fish leave a stinking smell, maybe the connection between shame and the word translated as dried.

When we begin the Chay prayer we are able to see the things that have been covered through time and deep in our mothers' womb. Often the things our human spirit shows us are shame, confusion, and disappointment just as expressed by the Hebrew word for dried. When the river is dried is when we can see our shape below. From this perspective is that healing can begin.

Eth: Before crossing the Jordan River the spies that went to the Promised Land had made an agreement with the prostitute who helped them in their task. Rahab had put a sign in her house so that she and her household would be saved from the destruction of Jericho. Israel had already an idea of what was Jericho like and they were also confident that as the Lord had open a door to them through Rahab, His plans given to Joshua would succeed.  

“…when we come into the land, you shall tie this scarlet cord in the window through which you let us down, and you shall gather into your house your father and mother…” Joshua 2:18. The word for cord here that Rahab used as a sign is from the Hebrew word tiqvâh (tik-vaw' ) that figuratively means expectancy, hope or thing that are long for according to Strong’s Dictionary H8615.

The word Eth is written with the first and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The first letter represents an ox and the last a mark in Paleo Hebrew letters.  The word comes from the idea of making a mark for tracing a straight line for plowing. The spiritual concept of the word Eth is that one of plotting a journey in our mind that will give us hope for the future. In Israel’s case, the sign that Rahab put in her door marked the future of Israel’s survival and provision, since she is in the bloodline of Jesus Christ. Rahab’s hope, and the scarlet sign that Israel’s army identified connected them to walking their birthright and was part of Yeshua HaMashiach coming in the flesh.

Aphar:  After the Hebrew tribes crossed the Jordan River the new generation of men were circumcised. The Hebrew word Aphar is connected to the word dust from Genesis 2:7 when Adam was created. Men reproduce through their genitals giving their powder to their women to give children. This powder is the substance of their DNA being passed through generations. The spiritual dimension of Aphar points to what we are made of. As Israel went through remembering who they are through this typical tradition of their identity, so do we pass through this process when we go to the supernatural dimension of Aphar. At Aphar a recurrent theme that you will find is the DNA and the substance of how you were made.

Adamah:  Israel for the first time has a Passover on the other side of the Jordan River. They ate from the fruit of the Land and enjoyed a time of community (Joshua 5:10-12).

“And the day after the Passover, on that very day, they ate of the produce of the land, unleavened cakes, and parched grain.” 

The Hebrew word for produce ‛etsem, Strong H6106, means the substance and the strength, for example, of the body.  The word is usually translated as bones. When we pray into Adamah we find it has a relationship with love and to the strength that this produces in us. At this time when the Israelites were becoming strong, their counterparts, the kings of the land had become weak as it says in Joshua 5:1 that their hearts melted.

Another thing that happened at this time is that the Manna that fed the people had stopped as they eat the fruit of the land. God had stopped feeding them by the hand, as a mother stops breastfeeding their babies. This has a connection to Adamah, since at this dimension the human spirit often shows the need for the father and his protection. In Adamah one restoration process that happens is the Room of Love which is a mental structure that gives us a sense of refuge. The lack of blessings from our father’s side is very important to have so that we can be strong, feel loved and be able to take the next steps into our promise land. 




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