The verse "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7) not only describes three key actions but also implies an internal state necessary for these actions to be effective. This dual aspect—external action and internal state—reveals a deeper process where each stage requires both personal preparation and active commitment.

Each of the "rings" or dimensions of progress encapsulates this duality:

1. Ring 1: Ask, and it shall be given to you

  • Action: Asking, clearly expressing what we desire with intentionality.
  • State: Openness, being ready to receive what we ask for, even if it arrives in unexpected ways or requires changes within ourselves.

2. Ring 2: Seek, and you shall find

  • Action: Seeking, actively striving, exploring, and paying attention.
  • State: Clarity, being inwardly aligned to recognize what we are searching for when we find it.

3. Ring 3: Knock, and it shall be opened to you

  • Action: Knocking, engaging with persistence and confidence.
  • State: Faith, not only believing there will be an answer but also being prepared to walk through the door when it opens.

This model invites us to reflect on how our internal disposition can transform our external actions and allow each stage of the process to advance toward the desired goal.


The verse "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7) holds wisdom that, at first glance, seems simple but reveals a profound, multidimensional structure upon closer analysis. These words, spoken over 2,000 years ago, describe an iterative process of progress where each level encapsulates and transforms the previous one. They guide not only spiritual or personal experiences but also reflect universal patterns of growth and discovery, evident across disciplines such as mathematics, logic, art, philosophy, and computer science.

1. Mathematics and Geometry: Fractal Progression

  • Example: Fractals like the Mandelbrot set or Sierpiński triangle.
    • Each level of a fractal builds on the previous one, revealing new complexities as one progresses. Though repetitive, each iteration unveils more detail.
    • Connection to the idea: Each ring contains the seed of the next and transforms the preceding one.
  • Geometry connection: The golden spiral, where each turn encapsulates previous proportions and shapes.

2. Logic and Computing: Recursivity

  • Example: Recursive algorithms (e.g., factorial functions or the Tower of Hanoi).
    • A problem is divided into smaller subproblems, each encapsulating the previous one until the base solution is reached. Each step redefines the previous result in a dynamic cycle.
    • Connection to the idea: What is asked for (the original function) is resolved by moving through layers of seeking and finding until the desired state is achieved.
  • Information systems: Complex SQL queries depend on subqueries that encapsulate, filter, and refine data.

3. Art: Layers of Meaning in a Work

  • Example: Paintings by Leonardo da Vinci or works by Jackson Pollock.
    • A painting may have multiple layers: a conceptual base, visual technique, and emotional impact. Each layer builds on the previous one, redefining the perception of the whole.
    • Connection to the idea: The observer first "asks" to understand the work, then "seeks" key elements, and finally "knocks" for deeper interpretation through interaction with it.

4. History and Philosophy: Hegelian Dialectic

  • Example: Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
    • Each stage of the dialectic generates conflict (asking), a search for resolution (seeking), and a synthesis that "opens" a new level of understanding, encapsulating the previous stages.
    • Connection to the idea: This dynamic and evolving process mirrors how the rings interact and transform.

5. Computing: Iterative Design and Agile Development

  • Example: In agile software design, each "sprint" or iteration takes results from the previous one, examines them, and redefines objectives.
    • Initially, a functional requirement is "asked" for, a technical solution is "sought," and finally, implementation "knocks" to open the complete system.
    • Connection to the idea: The cycle feeds back into each level to perfect the product.

This journey through disciplines as diverse as geometry, computing, art, philosophy, and design demonstrates that the framework of "ask, seek, knock" is more than a spiritual guide—it is a universal principle of transformation. Each level of this cycle encapsulates, transforms, and elevates the previous one, forming a dynamic system that drives progress and creation. From mathematical fractals to agile software development, this multidimensional model reveals its depth and applicability, inviting us to reconsider these ancient words as a key to understanding universal and personal processes alike.